In the electricity sector the use of merger remedies is a risky game to play. To protect consumers, economics suggests that merger controls be more cautious and stringent than in other sectors. It is better to risk being wrong in prohibiting a merger or imposing severe procompetitive remedies than to risk being wrong in approving a merger with possibly ineffective remedies.
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Publicado en papel: Marzo 2006.
Publicado on-line: Febrero 2006.
J. Barquín, L. Bergman, C. Crampes, J.M. Glachant, R. Green, C von Hirschhausen, F. Leveque, S. Stoft, The Acquisition of Endesa by Gas Natural: Why the Antitrust Authorities are Right to Be Cautious. The Electricity Journal. Vol. 19, nº. 2, pp. 62 - 68, Marzo 2006. [Online: Febrero 2006]